Thursday, 19 July 2012

Microsoft Confirms Windows 8 Will Release In October 2012

Microsoft Confirms Windows 8 Will Release In October 2012



Microsoft Reported in a Conference in Canada about the release date for the windows 8, that’s really a good news for the Microsoft lovers and the windows 8 fans. Microsoft confirms the release date of the next windows Operating System.The Confirmation comes from the Microsoft’s Own Tami Reseller, who Announced that Windows 8 will be released to manufactures in august and will be available in market in late October.

For the most part the Windows 8 development and release schedule is almost identical to that of Windows 7, the only thing that seems lacking from this
release is public excitement to this release. The hype surrounding Windows 7 was massive and mostly positive compared to Windows 8′s less than stellar reception that has been clouded by negative reactions to the new Metro start screen.

At any rate only time will tell whether or not Windows 8 can step out from behind 7′s shadow and be a success, or if it is doomed to suffer the same fate as Vista with users preferring to stay with the previous version Windows.

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