Friday 20 July 2012

Three cheers for Android browser competitionThree cheers for Android browser competition

Three cheers for Android browser competition


Firefox, back with a new native interface, now runs again on Android tablets with the beta of version 15.


Firefox, back with a new native interface, now runs again on Android tablets with the beta of version 15.

(Credit: screenshot by Stephen Shankland/CNET)

This morning, I installed the Firefox 15 beta on my two favored Android devices, a Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone and an Asus Nexus 7 tablet


Big deal, you say. Installing a browser. Ho-hum.

It shouldn't be a big deal, but it is -- because you can't install Firefox on an iPhone, iPad, or forthcoming Windows RT tablet


But on Android, Google has chosen to let any other browser compete directly against its own. For that reason, I regularly use Opera Mini and Opera Mobile alongside Google's Chrome. The Dolphin Browser HD, installed more than 10 million times, is another widely used option.

Kudos to Google for not being afraid of competition. 


Google could easily have banned other browsers from Android or raised significant barriers the way Apple and Microsoft have chosen to do. 


It's certainly working hard to ensure Chrome's success, pushing the browser hard enough that the company sometimes raises rivals' hackles. For example, try to run the load the Chrome-promoting browser-based art project with the Tate Modern museum, This Exquisite Forest, and non-Chrome browser users will see an explanatory YouTube video and a message: "This site has features your browser may not support. Please try Google Chrome." 


That's the kind of thing that harkens back to the bad old days of the last-generation browser wars of the 1990s between Internet Explorer and Netscape, when the Web was plagued with incompatible Web sites and some publishers would proclaim their loyalty to one faction or another. "Ah the 'Made for IE6' badge for a new generation," tweeted Mozilla Product Manager Dave Mason upon seeing the message. 


On Android at least the other browsers have a fighting chance. The European Union favors the browser choice of the personal-computer market


On iOS, browsers must use an Apple-supplied version of the WebKit browser engine to process and display Web pages. Not only that, but that UIWebView version of WebKit, which third-party software must use, is slower when it comes to running JavaScript programs than the WebKit in Apple's own Safari.

And on Microsoft's forthcoming Windows RT, the version of Windows for the ARM processors that dominate the mobile device market today, other browsers don't get access to the same deeper hardware controls that Internet Explorer gets. 


Firefox and other non-IE browsers on Windows RT don't get the same privileges that Internet Explorer gets.


Firefox and other non-IE browsers on Windows RT don't get the same privileges that Internet Explorer gets, a reality that has caused Mozilla some distress.

(Credit: Asa Dotzler)


In both cases, there are security and user-experience reasons that can justify Apple's and Microsoft's choices to restrict third-party browsers. The effect, though, is to hamper those browsers' abilities. 


The difficulties of hobbled browsers

Google nonetheless decided to build Chrome on iOS, and Mozilla has begun an iOS browser experiment called Junior. But building a browser under such circumstances has challenges.

Differentiation from Safari still is possible; for example, Chrome has its distinctive tabs-on-top look, has Google's SPDY technology for boosting Web peformance, and synchronizes tabs, bookmarks, and other settings through people's Google accounts. 


"Chrome for iOS has some pretty major technical restrictions imposed by the App Store, such as the requirement to use the built-in UIWebView for rendering, no V8, and a single-process model," said team member Mike Pinkerton in a mailing list message. V8 is Chrome's JavaScript engine, and a single-process model means that Google had to drop its approach of isolating tabs in separate memory compartments. He also listed areas where Google was able to bring some of its Chrome technology, though.

Peter Kasting, another Chrome member, was more specific in a comment in a discussion about unflattering JavaScript benchmarks for Chrome on iOS


Chrome for iOS doesn't use Chrome's usual browser engine for things like processing JavaScript and HTML, but it does use Chrome's network abilities, including support for SPDY for faster Web response.


Chrome for iOS doesn't use Chrome's usual browser engine for things like processing JavaScript and HTML, but it does use Chrome's network abilities, including support for SPDY for faster Web response.

(Credit: screenshot by Stephen Shankland/CNET)


"We support aggressive prefetching, especially for the omnibox [Chrome's combination search and Web address box] and top search results, which really does have truly enormous effects on actual usage that are harder to capture in a benchmark," Kasting said. 


But it's not using all of Chrome -- which is why visiting This Exquisite Forest works in Chrome for Android but gives the warning message with Chrome for iOS. 


It's a problem that Mozilla's Robert O'Callahan mentioned. "I'm surprised you'd risk dilution of Chrome's brand this way. There's going to be plenty of confusion among Web developers and users about what 'Chrome' means. Lots of features that are 'in Chrome' won't be in iOS Chrome. Some sites that 'work in Chrome' won't work in iOS Chrome," he said. 


Kasting acknowledged the problem in his response.

"The Web developer fragmentation effect has definitely been a real concern, and not everyone on the team has felt like the overall benefits of iOS Chrome outweigh the costs," he said. 


Another challenge: on iOS, third-party browsers can't be set as the default browser, so for example opening a Web address in an e-mail requires copying and pasting if you don't want to use Safari. 


Firefox on Android

Even where full-power third-party browsers are allowed, it's not easy. Mozilla had to restart its Firefox on Android project to use a faster native interface, and it's still used in vanishingly small numbers because it's not preinstalled. 


The overhauled version only recently arrived on Android phones, and it's only in beta on Android tablets, but I like it so far. It loads pages fast, with my combination of an unscientific eye and Nexus 7 tablet. It pans and zooms smoothly. It pulled my browsing history in after a sync and generally got out of my way. Some problems, though: It needs user multi-tab interface work, and it crashed when I tried to log into Flickr.

So no, it's not perfect. But it's real, and at least Google gives these other browsers a chance.

I suspect that Google's approach won't just be to the benefit of Opera, Mozilla, Dolphin, Maxthon Mobile, UC Browser, and all the rest that. 


Given the vigorous the browser market's present vigor, I think Chrome will benefit from the competition, too.



Google Nexus 7 review

Google Nexus 7 review

Undoubtedly tired of watching OEMs make little headway in their uphill struggle against Apple's iPad, Google executives took the stage at this year's Google I/O developer conference to announce a branded seven-inch tablet of their own: the Google Nexus 7 by Asus.


Like other Nexus-branded devices, the Nexus 7 tablet isn't actually hardware manufactured by Google (as you may have noticed thanks to the suffix). As Mountain View has done with Samsung, HTC and Motorola in the past, the company paired with Asus to design and manufacture its slender tablet. 


Google Nexus 7 review


It's a smart move: among Android tablets, Asus makes some of the best around, but matching the rock-bottom $199 (£130) price of Amazon's Kindle Fire while exceeding its meager specs would be a challenge for any manufacturer. 


And make no mistake: The Nexus 7 by Asus is more of an effort to stomp out Amazon's unwelcome (and forked) version of Android more than it's attempt to dethrone Apple's reigning champ.


Google Nexus 7 review


The good news is that very little has been sacrificed along the way, unlike with Amazon's initial offering. According to Android boss Andy Rubin, Google's profit margin bears the brunt of any sacrifices made, both from selling hardware at cost but also from tossing in generous perks such as a $25 (or £15) Google Play credit for every Nexus 7 owner.


But enough about why and how Google and Asus have released the Nexus 7: Is it worth even $199 / £159 of your hard-earned cash?


Nikon 1 V1 review

Nikon 1 V1 review


Like the Nikon 1 J1 (read our Nikon 1 J1 review), launched at the same time, the Nikon 1 V1 is a compact system camera (CSC). This means that it lacks the reflex mirror and optical viewfinder found in DSLR cameras, but it can accept interchangeable lenses.


Not surprisingly, the Nikon V1 has much in common with the J1, not least the 10.1 million effective pixel sensor, EXPEED 3 processor and the new Nikon 1 lens mount.


While Panasonic, Olympus, Samsung and Sony have opted for Four Thirds and APS-C sized sensors in their CSCs such as the Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH2, Olympus PEN E-P3 and Sony NEX-F3, Nikon has taken a leaf out of Pentax's book and used a smaller device. In Nikon's case this is a CX format sensor that measures 13.2 x 8.8mm.


Nikon v1


Restricting the V1's effective pixel count to 10.1MP means that the sensor isn't excessively over populated, but nevertheless the smaller

Nokia Lumia 900 review

Nokia Lumia 900 review


The Nokia Lumia 900 enters the market as the latest flagship handset for the Finnish firm, sporting the look of a slightly super-sized Lumia 800


We've written much about the Lumia 900, and virtually all of it praises the hardware. With good reason: Nokia has outdone itself with this stylish 127.8mm tall and 68.5mm wide slab, and at 11.5mm thick, it's one of the best-looking smartphones out there.


Available from £399 ($449.99) SIM free, and for free on 24 month contracts starting at £26 per month, the Lumia 900 finds itself rubbing shoulders with the high society of the mobile world, such as the iPhone 4S, Sony Xperia S and Samsung Galaxy S2.


Nokia Lumia 900 review


The Lumia 900 features a classy, unibody frame made from polycarbonate. It's tough and feels absolutely wonderful when held in your hand; Nokia's industrial design work has clearly not been dulled by age.

However that unibody design comes at a cost, which in terms of the Lumia 900 is weight. It's a hefty old device tipping the scales at 160g – a full 16g heavier that the iPhone 4S and Xperia S and a huge 44g more than the Galaxy S2.


Nokia Lumia 900


Nokia provides a range of three colours for the Lumia 900's chassis; black, white and a rather striking blue, which was certainly our favourite.

ClearBlack technology allows the 4.3-inch screen to be used outdoors (even with polarized sunglasses at any angle), while Corning Gorilla Glass protects a vivid AMOLED display.


Nokia Lumia 900


The front of the Lumia 900 is primarily a 4.3-inch capacitive touchscreen with a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels, matching the Galaxy S2.

The screen is raised slightly from the body, leaving a lip around its perimeter which gives the impression its popping out of the case – making it feel out of place on what is otherwise a very sleek phone.


A 1MP front-facing camera for video chat sits at upper left, while a very thin gap at top hides the earpiece; three capacitive Windows Phone buttons sit below the display for Back, Start and Search.


Nokia Lumia 900


The left side is devoid of buttons, all of which reside on the right, with volume rocker at top, power/lock button at centre and a two-stage dedicated camera button below.

At first this arrangement seemed a strange choice, but when held with the left hand, our middle finger was conveniently aligned with the power/lock button.


However when held in the right hand, the power/lock key was simply to far down the side of the Lumia 900 for us to hit easily, which meant a lot of awkward shuffling in the hand just to lock the device.


Nokia Lumia 900


Atop the Lumia 900 is a 3.5mm headphone jack, micro-USB port (for charging and data transfer) and micro-SIM card door, while a large speaker grille resides at the bottom on the handset.

There's a SIM door key included in the box, allowing you to pop the tray out, which is then pulled out completely to reveal the card slot.


It's a bit more flimsy and complicated than the microSIM card tray on the iPhone 4S, and we reckon this could easily be broken if treated without care.

Luckily the card itself is held in place quite well and it's realitivly easy to slide back into the Lumia 900, and then press down the flap to return the handset to its sleek and slender form. 


Nokia Lumia 900


On the back of the Lumia 900 is an 8MP auto focus camera lens with Nokia's customary Carl Zeiss optics next to an unobtrusive dual LED flash.

While the silver band around the lens is a nice touch, we're concerned that over time it may attract scratches from without using a case – however, we prefer the look of this flush lens to the obtrusive lenses found of the likes of the HTC One S and Galaxy S2.


The Nokia Lumia 900 comes with a modest 16GB of storage, which will suffice for most needs, but those who consume large volumes of content will be disappointed to learn there is no way to expand on this.

The unibody frame means you can't open up the Nokia Lumia 900, meaning no access to the battery or hidden microSD card slot.


Nokia's Lumia sales in North America fail to make a splash

Nokia's Lumia sales in North America fail to make a splash


Apparently, even Nikki Minaj couldn't spark a renewed interest in Nokia and its Lumia line of smartphones.

The company disclosed yesterday in its quarterly report that it shipped 600,000 handsets to North America, a number that includes its newest Lumia phones, as well as a mix of lower end and prepaid Symbian phones already out in the market. 


Given that the second quarter marked the first full three months of the heavily hyped Lumia 900, the results are somewhat disappointing.

Thursday 19 July 2012

SmartPhones Of The Year (So Far).

SmartPhones Of The Year (So Far).


We’ve reached the mid point of the year 2012. As we can see this is the year of smartphone, many smartphones arrived this year. It’s really hard to look back into your past and check out the smartphone. Smartphones has been changed so far that Google nexus has launched the android jelly bean 4.1 and so on… 


This year the most notable and reliable smartphone known to me is and  you’ll find the year’s most notable, most interesting smartphone releases – our favorites, as well as the devices that turned our heads or made us scratch our chins.


As has historically been the case, enhancements to mobile operating systems have made just as big of an impact on mobile computing as the arrival of the devices themselves. Ice Cream Sandwich – a release

Windows Phone 8 Unveiled: Microsoft Modernizes Its Mobile OS

Windows Phone 8 Unveiled: Microsoft Modernizes Its Mobile OS


It’s shaping up to be a huge week for Microsoft. On Monday, the company announced its Surface tablet platform at a hush-hush event in Los Angeles, and now Microsoft has unveiled Windows Phone 8 Apollo at its Windows Phone Summit in San Francisco.

Microsoft announced eight specific platform updates for its upcoming mobile OS. We’ve already covered one of the most consumer-facing updates, the new Start Screen, but other changes include hardware-related features like multi-core processor and memory card support, a revamped Internet Explorer 10, shared native code between Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8, NFC support, a new Wallet hub, Nokia Maps, and Windows Phone 8 for business.

Many of these updates shouldn’t come as a surprise, considering all the leaks and reports that came out in February. Nor was today’s announcement a full-fledged reveal like Apple’s iOS 6 presentation at WWDC.

Top 5 Android Web Browsers

Top 5 Android Web Browsers


There’s hundreds of android web browsers, depending on your requirements either desktop sync or speed browsing, or support for flash navigation, you have options galore. Some of them are popular others are not much popular. So in this Post I’ve decided to let you our readers inform that which are the top 5 android browsers.

  • Firefox

    Firefox for Android has come a long way since its days in beta. It’s fast, it’s free, it fully supports Firefox Sync, so if you use Firefox on the desktop, it’ll bring in your bookmarks and passwords. It’s the first mobile browser to truly support Do Not Track, and the “Awesome Page” start screen that shows you all of your recently visited tabs helps you get right back to what you were doing if you had to put your phone down. It even supports add-ons and Personas, although there aren’t too many of them yet. A few more options, and Firefox would be a good contender for our favorite, but it’s clearly already one of yours, and for good reason.

  • Chrome

    Chrome for Android finally left beta late last month, which means now it can go on to be the new “stock” browser on Android devices…assuming you’re running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich or higher. If you are running ICS or Jelly Bean on your device, Chrome for Android is a must-download. It supports Incognito Mode browsing, bookmark syncing via Chrome Sync, and in its most recent updates, now supports search syncing, tab syncing, and more—anything that Chrome can sync on your desktop will be right there waiting for you on your Android device. Chrome for Android is also optimized for mobile, meaning it’s blazing fast. The only downside is that Google hasn’t made it available for phones running Gingerbread or tablets stuck with Honeycomb.

  • Dolphin Browser HD/Mini

    Dolphin Browser is our favorite web browser for Android, and for good reason. Dolphin’s options and tools are unparalleled, even when compared to the big name browsers, supports dozens of third-party plug-ins and tools to extend its features, has built-in speech-to-text thanks to Dolphin Sonar, supports on-screen gestures to open bookmarks and navigate around pages, and comes in two flavors: the “HD” version for phones that can handle all of its features, and a “Mini” version for device owners who want speed and snappy performance over options. Even if you gravitate to one of the big names, Dolphin is worth at least trying.

  • Boat Browser/Mini

    Back in the early days of Android, one of the first browsers to challenge the stock browser was a now-vanished app called Miren. Miren was a great and feature-rich browser, but for reasons unknown, it’s tough to find these days. If you liked Miren, Boat Browser is its spiritual successor. Fast, lightweight, and completely free, Boat is intuitive, supports add-ons, and has a powerful voice control engine (so you can say “Facebook” and the browser will bring up Facebook for you). You can even skin and theme the UI if you like, customize the speed dial start page with your favorite sites, and more. If your phone can’t handle the full version—or you just want a lighter app (which is hard to believe), Boat Mini is there for you.

  • Opera Mini

    If you’re a fan of Opera on the desktop, Opera Mobile will suit you perfectly. Opera Mobile supports Opera Link, so you can sync your bookmarks, speed dial, and other user preferences with your desktop Opera install. Aside from that, Opera Mobile is fast, free, and goes out of its way to compress data in the background so you can browse your favorite sites without blowing past your wireless carrier’s data caps. Opera even has its own mini-app store, full of third party add-ons that improve the browser or games that make it more fun to use. Have an older device? Opera Mini might be a better choice—you get most of the features, but even more speed.

There you have it: your picks for the five best web browsers available for Android. Now it’s time to decide which one is the best overall.


How To do Prefect OnPage SEO.

How To do Prefect OnPage SEO.


Many people were asking about how to onpage SEO and many of people Doesn’t understand the term SEO, Bascally first I’m going to tell you what is SEO.




SEO Introduction:

SEO is Stands for search engine optimization, it is done by several ways to promote your content to the search crawlers/ Search engines. This is the best way to drive traffic to your website/blog.

Now you got some introduction to SEO.

How to do OnPage SEO:

I see many people are having problems with OnPage SEO, so I wanted to post a quick guide.

If you use wordpress you should download “All in one SEO” plugin, it will help you a lot.

1) Make sure to include your keyword in your

Galaxy S3 dumb search update feature confirmed by Samsung, it’s because of Apple

Galaxy S3 dumb search update feature confirmed by Samsung, it’s because of Apple


Launched in late May, the Galaxy S3 is now available from all Big Four carriers in the U.S, with regional operators including U.S. Cellular and C Spire scheduled to get the handset soon. What’s particular for the American launch is that two of the Big Four mobile operators have already issued some important Galaxy S3 updates that, in addition to bringing some fixes and improvements, also happen to dumb down the Search feature of the phone.

The Verge got a statement from Samsung on the matter and it appears that it’s the company’s doing. Just as we suspected, the South Korean Android maker is taking preemptive measures against another potential Galaxy S3 injunction request from Apple, after the latter obtained two such preliminary

Did Apple Call Galaxy Nexus A Stolen, Pirated And Counterfeit Product?

Did Apple Call Galaxy Nexus A Stolen, Pirated And Counterfeit Product?


Apple is stooping to a whole new level. The company is evidently scared of competition in the mobile and is using every legal means to ‘kill’ Android.

The same company which stole UI from Xerox, whose founder shamelessly admitted that they had been shameless about stealing ideas from other companies is putting the Galaxy Nexus phone in the category of ‘stolen, pirated, counterfeit, or infringing products.’


Apple used the above wording in a response to Samsung‘s complain about the letters Apple sent out to retailers asking them to stop selling Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy Tab  10.1. I am curious if Apple sent another set of letters to the same retailers asking them to resume the sale of Galaxy Nexus as the ban has been lifted?


Asians Don’t Innovate

Microsoft Introduces a Challenger to the iPad

Microsoft Introduces a Challenger to the iPad


Microsoft, a company that has traditionally restricted itself to software development, has boldly announced its arrival in the computer hardware business with the introduction of a new tablet it calls Surface. Clearly intended to compete with Apple’s ever popular iPad, Surface is of comparable weight and dimensions, but features a larger 10.6-inch screen and a built-in kickstand enabling it to be positioned at laptop-like angle for viewing video. It includes a detachable cover that also serves as a keyboard.


Building up to the announcement, Microsoft sent event invitations to news outlets at rather short notice and did so without disclosing details about the impending product. The move was unequivocally inspired by Apple’s habit of secrecy surrounding its own products. In any case, the strategy worked, sending the tech blogosphere into a frenzy of speculation.


While Microsoft has created a few hardware products, it has only had success with the Xbox gaming system. The last time the company

Apple Must Admit that Samsung didn’t Copied there iPad: U.K Court

Apple Must Admit that Samsung didn’t Copied there iPad: U.K Court


The most popular tech news of this month, as we know that Apple Claims that Samsung Copied there iPad and then U.S Court banned Samsung Galaxy Sales to Go on. Then U.S Court lift’s It’s ban From Galaxy sales and court’s remarks was against apple . Now this news has a new turn in it.


Apple Haters There’s good news for all of you and bad news for all Apple lovers, that U.K. Court’s judge ruled that Samsung didn’t copy

Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) Screen Shots Unveiled By Rockstar Games

Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) Screen Shots Unveiled By Rockstar Games


Rockstar Games unveiled the screen shots of there upcoming version of the GTA known as GTA V. The one screen shot shows the helicopter flying over Los Santos  and other shows characters sitting near what appears to be a lake with high buildings in the background




These shots may not show much but they

Rovio Launched its new game called AMAZING ALEX! | DOWNLOAD LINK

Rovio Launched its new game called AMAZING ALEX! | DOWNLOAD LINK


On 13.07.2012, Rovio Launched an amazing game called Amazing Alex.its a nice and amazing game. we hope that it will rise like angry birds.


Rovio’s blog have a thankyou says

We’d like to extend our gratitude towards all fans of Amazing Alex, Angry Birds and Rovio. You are the reason we keep releasing

Apple iPhone 5 Will Be Annouced In August 2012

Apple iPhone 5 Will Be Annouced In August 2012


Apple iPhone 5 will be annouced in august this year

If the latest report ends up proving true, we could be seeing the next iPhone launch sooner than expected. A “reliable industry source” told KnowYourMobile that the next iPhone will be unveiled during an August 7 Apple keynote. The next iteration of Apple’s mobile operating system, iOS 6, is also expected to be officially released at the same time.


Last year, the iPhone 4S debuted October 4 and went on sale a week later. The iPhone 4 was launched in June at Apple’s Worldwide Developers

iPhone 5 is Now in Full Production

iPhone 5 is Now in Full Production


There’s a report for Japan Claiming that, the next generation of the Apple iPhone known as iPhone 5 is now in it’s full production.


A Japanese Apple Blog  Macotakara says, it’s sources in China have confirmed that, the manufacturing of iPhone 5 is in its full flow ahead

How To Capture and Record iPhone/iPad Screen!

How To Capture and Record iPhone/iPad Screen!


In PC’s and Laptops it’s very easy to capture the Screen Shot what you are doing, by Simply press Alt+prt.scrn or Fn+prt.scrn.Recording is as well easy, you just need to do is, Download a Software install it and use it nand you can Record your screen as you preform couple on tasks.





These recording Features are very useful, as you want to demonstrate Any kind of information to any person, you can record it on your Device and send it to the person who need. But in iPhone/iPad there’s no such a app to Capture screen, and many people don’t even know how to capture there iPhone’s Screen, What they do is, capture there screen by using other devices. In this Tutorial I’ll Show you how to Capture your iPhone Screen without any App.


While these amazing capturing and recording functions

Record Penalty for Google Cause of Tracking Apple Users

Record Penalty for Google Cause of Tracking Apple Users


Google is facing the biggest Penalty From the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), had launched that was 22.5 million USD cause of the illegal acts of interference in the security settings of Safari – the default browser on the iPhone , iPad.





5 months ago, the Wall Street Journal reported that Google is secretly set cookies to change the user’s web browser on both desktop and mobile of Apple.


In default mode, Safari only accept cookies from sites that users visit or from the content they really click. Meanwhile, advertisers

A Chinese website is already offering iPhone 5 preorders

A Chinese website is already offering iPhone 5 preorders


The Chinese have a curious take on intellectual property and retail. For example, if you desperately need to be one of the first people to own Apple’s next-generation iPhone, you can actually preorder the “iPhone 5″ from a Chinese website. Right now. Today.


You can place your bet — er, preorder — on Taobao with a deposit of 1,000 yuan (about £102). Taobao is actually a clearing house for various retailers, and some of its retail partners will even let you buy the non-existent and completely unannounced phone outright. Just pay 6,999 yuan (£711) up front to reserve your Apple handset. Taobao is a division of Alibaba group.


The opportunity to preorder highly anticipated Apple gear is undoubtedly more useful to folks in China or other countries than UK buyers.

How to Remove Facebook Auto Tag Suggestions

How to Remove Facebook Auto Tag Suggestions



Many of you may have noticed that when we upload pictures on Facebook it automatically Suggest us some faces to tag them that picture.The new feature is called Tag Suggestion where Facebook tries to automatically identify the faces in the uploaded photos based on the other photos where the people are tagged in. Many people might want to remove that function from there profile Due to some kind of a privacy.
In this post I’ll try to Help you people out From this thing. It’s very simple to remove it from your profile, Follow the steps given Below and and you can remove that function:

  1. Login to Facebook.

  2. Click at “Account” link from the top right

How to Install Android Jelly bean To Samsung Galaxy S

How to Install Android Jelly bean To Samsung Galaxy S


From the Release of the Android 4.1( Jelly bean), People were searching about “how to Install Android jelly bean“. Now in this post I will try to make you learn how to install jelly bean to Samsung Galaxy, Because unlike all other Android Operating Systems, this one is just designed For the Galaxy nexus. So we are able to install it to Samsung galaxy S. but don’t worry developers from forum xda have been succesfull to create custom rom that contains android 4.1. but it is only galaxy s for now. hope there will be created ohter custom rom for another model


For now I don’t have any version of any custom rom, but I’ll try to share it for you.

Coming back to the Tutorial….!

Jelly bean port tutorial for galaxy s gt:

-Have root acces to your galaxy s, and have CWM installed
-Make a full backup to your data

U.S. Gov. Lifts Ban On Galaxy Nexus

U.S. Gov. Lifts Ban On Galaxy Nexus


A good new for Samsung lovers, that U.S. Gov. Lifts  it’s ban from the Samsung, which I’ve early reported on Cybermunks .

 Now Samsung may sell the smartphone Galaxy Nexus in the United States again for the time being. A U.S. federal appeals court

Learn How to send SMS From Google

Learn How to send SMS From Google


• Sign in with Google account
• Go to Gmail, click on Account Settings then go to Lab tab

• Move down until you see “Text Massaging (SMS) in Chat” and “Enable” it.

• Then go to “SMS in Chat gadget” and Save Changes

Yahoo hacked: Google, Microsoft users at risk

Yahoo hacked: Google, Microsoft users at risk


Boston: More than 400,000 Yahoo user names and passwords were stolen and published on the Web, putting other websites at risk as well, after hackers exploited a vulnerability in Yahoo’s computer systems.

Some logins for Google, AOL and Microsoft services were among those compromised. The three companies said they required affected users to reset passwords for sites including Gmail, AOL, Hotmail, MSN and
Yahoo issued a statement apologising for the breach, the latest setback for a company that has lost two chief executives in a year and is struggling to revive stalled revenue growth.
More than 400,000 Yahoo user names and passwords were stolen putting other websites at risk as well.
Chairman Alfred Amoroso acknowledged that Yahoo had experienced a “tumultuous” year at its annual shareholder meeting on Thursday morning. Interim CEO Ross Levinsohn told

BBC Officially Launches Olympic App For Android

BBC Officially Launches Olympic App For Android



As you all now by the news that Olympic games will be in London and are almost upon us. And now BBC is launching it’s Official Olympic app for Android and IOS, which allows you to have mobile access to the latest updates from Olympic Games. you’ll find the same videos and news content as the mobile BBC site, with the live streaming of the games once it kicks off in July 27th.There’s also

Microsoft Announced The Office 2013, Known As Office 15.

Microsoft Announced The Office 2013, Known As Office 15.


Microsoft is due for and update, sooner you’re going to see MS Office 15. As reported by USA today, that Microsoft will announce it’s Office 15, AKA Office 2013, at a press conference on Monday.

The publication don’t have any other firm details relying

Amazon’s Kindle Fire Gets A Taste Of Jelly Bean Thanks To Beta ROM

Amazon’s Kindle Fire Gets A Taste Of Jelly Bean Thanks To Beta ROM


Android developers and hackers have been working feverishly ever since Google released Jelly Bean to the Android Open Source Project repository two days ago, and it wasn’t long before a ROM for the Kindle Fire was pushed out into the world.


Needless to say, things are still a little… rough at this point. The folks on the xda-developer forums noted early on that the flashed Fires had trouble connecting to Wi-Fi networks (a fix was soon found, though it requires users to be handy with the Android Debug Bridge command line tool, and

Facebook Launched The Software Development Kit SDK for IOS.

Facebook Launched The Software Development Kit SDK for IOS.


Yesterday, Facebook has announced it’s software development kit SDK update for it’s IOS developer, Making it easier to include Facebook integration within apps. The release also sets the stags for the Facebook integration in IOS 6.

After iOS 6 launches to users, the SDK will automatically use the native Facebook Login in iOS 6 when available. Just enable Login with Facebook and the SDK will ensure your apps work seamlessly on all iOS versions 4.0 and later. The SDK will continue to support the iOS 6 integration in beta until Apple’s user launch later this fall.

Other improvements in the new SDK include: 

Better user session management: A new method for managing

Microsoft Confirms Windows 8 Will Release In October 2012

Microsoft Confirms Windows 8 Will Release In October 2012



Microsoft Reported in a Conference in Canada about the release date for the windows 8, that’s really a good news for the Microsoft lovers and the windows 8 fans. Microsoft confirms the release date of the next windows Operating System.The Confirmation comes from the Microsoft’s Own Tami Reseller, who Announced that Windows 8 will be released to manufactures in august and will be available in market in late October.

For the most part the Windows 8 development and release schedule is almost identical to that of Windows 7, the only thing that seems lacking from this

“iPad Mini” Is Going To Come From Brazil: Report

“iPad Mini” Is Going To Come From Brazil: Report


There’s a report on Japanese Mac site that Macotakara, based on “reliable Chinese sources” claims, iPad Mini has been arrived on  Foxconn site Jundiai in the state of Sao Paulo and it further claims that the tests of 7-8 inch device with CNC machines has been completed in Asia, and the actual production stands now in Brazil.


It’s unclear yet, that people say that Apple Currently uses Foxconn plant to manufacture it’s Devices in Brazil

Motorola Announced “Razor V” with Andriod 4.0

Motorola Announced “Razor V” with Andriod 4.0


Recently, Motorola has announced it’s new smartphone “Razor V” running android 4.0 Ice cream Sandwich, with 4.3″ Display, Kelvar fibre coating. The device comes in 8.4mm thin. Apart from the usual details it also comes with Motorola’s ‘Smartactions’, an app that they say “intelligently automates everyday tasks and suggests ways to personalize your phone and make your life easier.” For example Smartactions Battery Extender will notice when you’re running low and automatically change your phone’s settings to preserve that vital life it has left, or Smartactions can recognise when your headphones and automatically

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Apple Has Corrected The App-store’s Problems.

Apple Has Corrected The App-store’s Problems.


Past week, an issue has been detected in the iTunes Appstore, “defected binary files has been received “. After that issue, Apple has Corrected the Problem and Updated the Downloads.



By far, the users had to delete the apps completely and start from scratch as there was no alternative. The greatest disadvantage in doing

Want early access to the new Google Play developer console? Sign up to request early access now

Want early access to the new Google Play developer console? Sign up to request early access now


During the first day of Google I/O, one of the post-keynote developer sessions was dedicated to Android Apps in Google Play. While the buzz was all about the newly announced Jelly Bean update, and the Nexus 7 tablet, the real meat of Google I/O was going on in the developer sessions. 


Google Play is an ever increasingly important part of the Android ecosystem, but still remains the best way to distribute, and consume Android applications. After all, before Google Play


One of the new developer features announced at the conference,

New Samsung super size Galaxy Note 2 having 5.5 inch screen

New Samsung super size Galaxy Note 2 having 5.5 inch screen


I don’t know but many people were saying that Samsung Galaxy, which was 5.2″, it would be great if it would be just a “little bigger“. As it turns out the people lived in Koreaand works for Samsung may have decided that.


According to a news agency  MK business news,Korea, Reported that Samsung Galaxy note 2 will even more bigger than the old Samsung Galaxy note