Wednesday 27 June 2012

Download Yahoo Axis-A Search Browser For iPhone And iPad

Download Yahoo Axis- A Search Browser For iPhone And iPad 

On 23 May 2012 Yahoo released a new web browser for iPad ,iPhone and plug-ins for the desktop browsers Chrome, Firefox , Safari and Internet Explorer.The design goal, according to Ethan Batraski, head of product for the SearchInnovation Group at Yahoo, is to eliminate the middle step in the usual Web searchprocess: Enter a query, see the results, go to a page. With Axis, you’re supposed to be able to go directly from query to page, skipping the step of surfing a sea of links.

yahoo axis for iphone

The implication that Axis entirely bypasses the need to pick from search results is false, but Axis does nonetheless have a much better way of getting you from searching to visiting a Web page. The browser works well. This is an aggressive product for the struggling Yahoo to launch out of its search group. 

yahoo axis  for ipad

Here’s why: Yahoo, which still generates more than a billion dollars a year in revenue from its search division, makes a lot of that money from that second step inthe search process. It runs ads on search result pages.Here You Can DOWNLOAD it form iTunes.

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