Admin Rights In Vista/Win7
Alright time to get this over with once and for all. Here is the clarification on how to get Admin rights.
These are not steps that should be taken to keep your PC fully protected. They are just measure to stop UAC prompts. In no way shape or form am I saying that this should be done. This is a do at your own risk suggestion. UAC is there for protection. Disabling it can adversely affect your system and these suggestions are not endorsed by me, Microsoft or Tech-Forums in any way.
I said that cause i have to. People might get the wrong idea and think that this is a good thing. It is not. It is just how to work with UAC if you think it is over bearing. These steps can allow drive by downloads to happen and your system get infected.
There is NO need for full admin rights at all times. No matter who you are. I am a power user and a Beta Tester and I dont need full rights all the time. So there is no way that people can say that they need full rights every seconds of every day. It isnt true. You can get by with UAC and the rights you have. This is just to help people understand what all this is.Okay now when you install Vista orWindows 7 you will see that your accountis marked as Administrator. But then you get prompted to give Administrator rights to certain tasks. So you are saying to yourself “Why is that? I am the Admin and only user of this PC?”Let me clarify this.You are a Admin of the PC. But you are a limited Admin. There is still a Hidden Administrator account which has full elevation and full powers. While your account does not. Which is why it is prompted for UAC rights to elevate. Many times you will hear me reference this account as a Power User account with Admin Rights. Cause that is basically what it is.This was added to Vista and Windows 7 cause of how easy it was for hackers, spyware and virus makers to gain access to a PC cause the Administrator was live and active when you accessed Safe Mode. Now the Full Admin account is Disabled. So even if you do boot to Safe Mode you still will NOT see it as a account that you can log into.Now these steps provided will help you work with UAC. Even i have UAC on. So it isnt that bad.The first step is to enabled the Hidden Admin account.This can be done a couple of ways. The first is the method i use with Busienss, Ultimate or Enterprise Editions of Vista/Win7.
First Method: Secpol.msc
In the start menu search for secpol.msc:
Now enter that screen. Here you will see this:
Now go under Local Policies>Security Options. there you see this:
I have already highlighted in Yellow the option you need to change. As you see my account is already active. But it is not in use. I needed it at this time for something else.
Alternative Options:
There is also more options toward the bottom.
Now you see i have 4 items highlighted here.
Option 1The first is to keep the UAC PRompts from happening in the Admin account.
Option 2The 2nd one is the most useful one. That is the one to use with your account you currently have. That one will Elevate a program without asking for rights every time.
Option 3The 3rd option should NEVER, EVER, EVER be changed. End of story.
Option 4The 4th option is same as above. DO NOT DISABLE this option. If you do it is on you. I have not suggested it and will not. Furthermore i will not even explain what it does. Cause it should NEVER be disabled.
I think i got my point across with those settings.
Now many of you are sitting there saying to yourself “But Mak you suggested that i get Home Premium which this doesnt apply to!”Correct. There is another method that works no matter what version you are using.
Method 2: Using The Command
First click Start. There type CMD into the search bar. Right click on it and select Run as Admin.
Now in there you will type in this:
"net user administrator /active:yes"
This will enable the Admin account. So when you logoff you will see the Admin account listed as accounts that you can log into. There is no password set by default. So you dont have to worry about typing in a password. Just click the account and go.Now if you wish to disable the account it can be done as well.
"net user administrator /active:no"
"net user administrator /active:no"
That will disable the account.
Using Vista Home Basic/Home Premium:
Step 1:
Click Start, and type “cmd” in the search area, right click on “Command Prompt” and select ‘Run as Administrator”.
Step 2:
In the command prompt type “net users Administrator /active’” (Note the capital “A” in Administrator) and press Enter, you will get a confirmation as “The command completed successfully”.
Step 3:
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