BlackBerry Problems And Their Solutions
Although blackberry is great company producing great phones, with versatile apps and software with there user prospective, They’ve come on leaps and bounds in the last few years, with the Blackberry Torch stepping up as the first Blackberry to truly combine work and play with its touchscreen and upgraded social media platform. beside all that good things Blackberry user has to face different problems while using that phone.
However, blackberry is a great smart phone but is has some common problems which keeps tripping it up.Most of the time the solutions to these problems are super simple, and it’s worth trying a DIY fix before shelling out for a technician to take a look.
Here I am going to tell you about their solutions:
BlackBerry Gets Hot:
Does your phone get excessively warm when you’ve been using it? To the point where you think it might melt? Well, relax, because this is an easy fix too.Usually when the body gets hot it’s because the device is simply doing too much. Apps often run under processes on your phone, and some have a constant data connection, like GPS, musicstreaming or weather apps. All you need to do is pare this down a bit.Go to “Options” and then click on “Device Application Management”, or hold down your “Menu” key to bring up all of the applications running on your phone. Then just select the app you want to shut down, open it, click the menu, and click “Close”. Do this for all of the memory-hungry apps you have and you should have a nice, cool phone again.If it is so then your problem’s solved, if it doesn’t work, make sure you take your phone for a visit to the technician as it may need additional computer support. If your phone’s a business model, remember that your company will probably have outside BlackBerrytech support.
The Screen Is Frozen:
You know the sheer panic when everything stops working? You can’t click on anything or scroll and you think your phone’s died forever. Don’t worry – this is so simple to sort out.First, try a soft reboot. Press ALT+CAPS+DELETE, and see if your screen begins working again. If it doesn’t, you’ll have to try a hard reset. Find the reset button – it should be on the back of your phone, at the bottom, or under the battery cover – and is the type you need to press with a pin.Press and hold the button in for the phone to reset. Alternatively you can just pull the battery, wait a few seconds and reinsert it.When your phone is back on again, all problems should be gone.
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