Android Shakes Hands With Linux Ubuntu
Linux and android has always had a fan following, due to both are smart and much stable. For those who enjoy the ability to customize both platforms, having the best of both worlds is on its way. As some of us know that ubuntu had offered ubuntu on smartphone. Now this is the time when android and accepted the canonical to offer ubuntu on smartphone and that will be resealed throughout the year. Now Linux lovers will be able to connect their smartphone to display and utilize ubuntu desktop easily from their phones.
Android Ubuntu
Now The Question Arises That How Does It Will Work:
As smartphones have geared toward offering users the ability to be mobile and productive, the new marriage between Android and Ubuntu will offer the same. As a smartphone, the handhelds will still run the Android OS and you will still have all the apps you are used to, the features that has made Android popular and you won’t see much of a difference. Once you plug your phone into a monitor and keyboard however, Linux kicks in and gives the user a fully functioning Ubuntu desktop with all the productivity apps they will need.
The best part is the sharing between the two operating systems. Any documents created or edited on the Android system will be shared with Ubuntu and vice versa. This allows users to carry a Linux PC in their pockets while still utilizing all their favorite Android apps, games, and tools. To get a better idea of how it works, image a dual booting PC running Windows and Linux, the phone will operate the same way and give the user the functionality needed on both systems.
The Feature Of This Feature On Smartphone In My Point Of View:
Canonical isn’t stopping at just Android smartphones, they plan to expand. They are also working on releasing a version of Ubuntu for Android tablets as well. The premise behind the project is to simplify business and offer solutions to those companies that are currently managing multiple devices. For instance companies that are managing company issued smartphones as well as laptops will be able to manage only one device as users will be able to turn their smartphones into a PC when needed.
Ubuntu is expected to be preloaded on many of the phones being released in 2012, however no phone manufacturers have been mentioned. A demo online showed Ubuntu being run on the Motorola Atrix 2, and it seemed to offer everything promised, except speed. As mobile processors increase in speed, this may be an easy fix, along with increased speed on wireless networks.
Those smartphone “tweakers”, Linux lovers, and open-source supporters are looking forwardto the release of the mobile Ubuntu kernel and the ability to play with it. As with all Linux distros, there is talk that the common user will be able to download Ubuntu for mobile and install it on their own phones however Canonical is concentrating more on getting manufacturers on boardthan releasing a download. Only time will tell as to the abilities of this dual booting smartphone, but it is definitely a step in the right direction for mobile computing.